
A dev’s journey from Truffle 4 to the unknown world of Truffle 5

The latest version of Solidity kickstarted a season of upgrades in the BUIDL space. The latest version of solidity essentially meant that…

[Tool] Refactor your solidity 0.4.x code to solidity 0.5.x code

Solidity 0.5.X is here with a lot of features and breaking changes. Making all the changes to your solidity code…

Compile Solidity Smart Contracts Faster in Truffle Projects

The Truffle Suite is the most widely used development framework for Solidity development but it is not perfect. We at Polymath, deal with…

[Tools] Ethereum debugging helper and Solidity boilerplate

Debugging solidity smart contracts is a pain and takes a lot of time. I made a small user script which…