I am a Hacker/Developer from India. I started my blockchain journey more than three years ago and have since mainly worked on the CryptoNote protocol(Monero), Ethereum and Parity’s Substrate. I am currently working as the Lead Blockchain Engineer at Polymath. Before joining Polymath, I was working on GovBlocks and Nexus-Mutual at
Recent Achievements
- Gave three technical talks at Devcon V (1, 2, 3).
- Disclosed a critical vulnerability in FRAME runtime of Substrate (Used by Polkadot, Kusama, and other substrate chains).
- Disclosed a high impact vulnerability in Nexus Mutual.
- Won the overall prize, ENS bounty and Torus bounty at ETH India by developing Credeth.
- Won the CTF (Hacking/coding competition) at EthCC Paris.
- Won the AZTEC Protocol prize at ETH New York by developing Zalary.
- Gave a talk about Solidity at ETH New York.
- My articles got mentioned in 3 consecutive editions of Week in Ethereum News (Starting from last week of January 2019).
Personal Projects
I have created a wide variety of tools and projects including:
- Solidity Refactor (https://github.com/maxsam4/prettier-plugin-solidity-refactor): Prettier Plugin for Refactoring Solidity 0.4.X code to 0.5.X code.
- SmartVote (https://github.com/maxsam4/SmartVote): A decentralized voting platform, runs on its own private blockchain.
- Ethereum Debugging Helper (https://github.com/maxsam4/ethereum-debugging-helper): Collection of scripts that help to debug ethereum smart contracts.
- Solidity Boilerplate (https://github.com/maxsam4/solidity-boilerplate): Boilerplate code for solidity smart contract projects.
- Solidity Kit (https://github.com/maxsam4/solidity-kit): Set of docker images with tools for solidity development and CI.
- Brime Notes (https://github.com/BrimeNotes): Open source, self-hosted note-taking application.
- Casino Royale: Collection of Multi-Player casino games with custom pseudo-random number generator using C.
- Purtips: It was an online portal to compare products and get financial advice. It did more than what Amazon’s Junglee does before Junglee was launched but could not match their funding.
- AnHits: Social Media Marketing Website that allowed users to exchange likes, followers, and visits.
- Time Tied Encryption (https://github.com/maxsam4/TEA): It is an Android implementation of Time Tied Encryption that allows users to encrypt data such that it will be decryptable only after a set time.
- Call Management System: Takes raw call logs from customer support and process it to generate daily agent report and allowed searching, sorting and similar functions over the data client data.
- HuntX (https://github.com/maxsam4/HuntX-Online-Quiz-Script): Open source script based on PHP & MySQL that allows users to easily host online quizzes and CTFs through a user-friendly admin panel.
- Personal blog (https://mudit.blog): With this blog, I share my knowledge with others in the form of tutorials, tips and tricks. My blog posts are informational and often featured at various placed like Evan’s Week in Ethereum.
Open Source Contributions
Apart from my personal projects, I have made dozens of open source contributions to projects like:
- Solidity
- Truffle
- Solidity Parser
- Solidity Coverage
- Solidity Documentation Generator
- Prettier Plugin Solidity
- Solidity Parser ANTLR
- ERC1132 Lockable Token
Research Work
I have also done some research work and published papers in the past:
Proof-of-Participation: Implementation of Proof of Stake through Proof of Work, 2018
- The paper proposes an alternative distributed consensus algorithm for blockchains that will require less computational power than proof of work and will be more secure than proof of stake.
- The paper was presented in ICICC 2018 and published in Springer.
Time Tied Encryption: A Time-lock Encryption Technique, 2017
- It is an encryption technique that encrypts data such that it cannot be decrypted before a set time.
- It uses a combination of asymmetric and symmetric encryption to offer security with efficiency.
Comparison of security offered by Instant Messaging Applications using End-to-End Encryption, 2016
- The paper compares the security offered by the most popular instant messaging applications in the market that claim to be secure by using end-to-end encryption and exposes some vulnerabilities.